"Bringing peace to the world... one cup at a time"

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Six Ways to Honor Earth Day and Your Body

Ancient Rivers dwell within our souls. Our bodies are our temples of Bliss   Spring is definitely here and the Official Earth Day is this Sunday. In my mind, Earth Day should be everyday along with valentines day and any other holiday or reason to celebrate caring and nurturing. The best ways to celebrate our blessed Earth is to honor our bodies as we would a temple. Here are some ideas. 1)Being green is easy. Keep it simple. Drink green tea. It is full of ani-oxidants,it raises the metabolism, helps keep blood sugars level. There are plenty of high quality delicious types to choose from.2) Eat lots of leafy greens. They can provide all the basic nutrients you need. There is kale, chard, spinach, cabbage, and bok choy to name a few. You can eat them raw, cooked, or blended in the blender to make green drinks. These little jewels are anti- inflammatory. They also help block bad sugars and fats from getting back into the blood stream. They also are very low in calories so you can fill up on them instead of those heavier carbohydrates and fats. 3) Take a walk through your local farmers market and buy local fruits and veggies and prepare them simply. This does several things to help mother Earth. You are supporting farmers who are taking care of her the best way they can. You are You are helping the local economy by keeping the money here. And best of all you are out in the sunshine getting vitamin D and getting some exercise and fresh air. And I invite you to talk to the farmers, get to know them. Who knows you may also make some new friends. 4) Get a massage. Everyone needs to be touched in this way. Massage moves all those toxins that are stored in your fat cells into the blood stream so that your liver can filter them out.5) Take a class. Learn something new. Keeping the mind strong and challenged keeps us young. 6) Eat with a friend or family member. Eat sitting at a table. Hold hands. Give and receive love. I believe that healthy food is only half the story. We humans in at our best are living full well rounded lives. We are not sitting alone all the time (alone time is good but in balance )eating in our cars, watching TV while we eat, working inside with no sunshine and fresh air. Life can be simple and beautiful and green. If everyone were to follow these few simple ideas just imagine what could change. Imagine.............
We hold the earth's well being and our own in our own hands. There comes great responsibility with having the gift of reason. It puts us in the position of being able to choose. My prayer to the divine is that Humans will begin to see the stewardship of the planet as an extension of caring for the temple, our bodies. If we practice taking baby steps towards a sustainable future by just caring for our bodies and not putting foods in that inflame and toxify  us, both the body of the one and the one body would begin to heal. Here is a simple anti-inflammatory meal:
A small pot of green tea.
A cup of wild mushroom miso soup
Quinoa topped with roasted broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, onions,beet and rosemary and thyme for flavor drizzled with extra virgin olive oil.
small green salad spinach,kale,spring mix.
For more protein add a piece of wild fish no bigger than the center of the palm of your hand. remember to stop eating before you are actually full. Bless your food before you eat. Use our mindful eating technique from the previous blogs. For more guidance on anti-inflammatory living please contact Toni Hodge, Wellness Practitioner at Shangri-La Wellness

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Toni, I feel like you are talking directly to me, reminding me to be kind to my body in many ways on many levels. Deb
